

1.手机麻将有挂是真的吗这款游戏可以开挂,确实是有挂的,通过添加客服微信 2.咨询软件加微信【】在"设置DD功能DD微信手麻工具"里.点击"开启". 3.打开工具.在"设置DD新消息提醒"里.前两个选项"设置"和"连接软件"均勾选"开启"(好多人就是这一步忘记做了) 4.打开某一个微信组.点击右上角.往下拉."消息免打扰"选项.勾选"关闭"(也就是要把"群消息的提示保持在开启"的状态.这样才能触系统发底层接口)


 Lesson66 Sweet as honey! 像蜜相同甜!

 The Hatheld Puffin is a modern aero-plane, but its designer, Mr John Wimpenny, is finding it difficult to get it off the ground. The reason for this is that this plane is also a bicycle. Its pilot has to pedal hard to get it into the air. After Mr Wimpenny had the plane built, it was tested thoroughly. In 1961, it was the first man-powered aircraft to fly half a mile. While being flown by a champion amateur cyclist in 1963, the plane crashed on an airfield. Since then, Mr Wimpenny has had it rebuilt. He has had the length of the wings increased so that they now measure 93 feet211;almost as long as those of a Dakota. Many people have shown interest in this new and unusual sport. But though air cyclists may learn how to fly over short distances, and may, eventually, even get across the English Channel, it is doubtful whether they will ever cycle across the Atlantic.

 1963年,一架兰开斯特轰炸机在瓦立斯岛毁。那是南太洋中一个很偏远的小岛,坐落萨摩亚群岛以西,间隔群岛还有很长一段间隔。飞机损坏的程度并不严峻,可是,多年来这起飞机失事已被忘掉,飞机残骸也没遭到破坏。所以,到了1989年,飞机失事26年后,在对小岛的一次航空勘查中那架飞机被意外地发现了。到了那个时分,状况出色的兰开斯特轰炸机实属稀有,值得抢救。法国政府让人把飞机包装起来,一部分一部分地搬回法国。一群热心人方案修正这架飞机。该飞机装装配有4台罗尔斯-罗伊斯的默林发动机,可是他们只需求修正其间的3台。想一想他们所感遭到的惊讶和振奋 当他们拆开包装箱时,他们发现第4台发动机就像蜂蜜相同甜 发动机完好无缺。一群蜜蜂把发动机当作了蜂房,发动机在蜂蜡中被完好地保留了下来。

 Lesson67 Volcanoes 火山

 Haroun Tazieff the Polish scientist, has spent his life-time studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world. In 1948, he went to lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro. Tazieff was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently. Though he managed to take a number of brilliant photographs, he could not stay near the volcano for very long. He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him. It threatened to surround him completely, but Tazieff managed to escape just in time. He waited until the volcano became quiet and he was able to return two days later. This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro so that he could take photographs and measure temperatures. Tazieff has often risked his life in this way. He has been able to tell us more about active volcanoes than any man alive.

 波兰科学家哈罗恩.塔捷耶夫花了一生的精力来研讨国际各地的活火山和探洞。1948年他去了刚果的基伍湖,对一座后来被他命名为基图罗的新火山进行调查。当火山正在猛烈地喷射时,塔捷耶夫有方法把帐子搭在离它十分近的本地。尽管他设法拍了一些十分精彩的相片,但他却不能在火山邻近逗留太长的时刻。他发现有一股岩浆正向他流过来,眼看就要将他团团围住,但塔捷耶夫仍是设法及时逃离了。他比及火山平静下来,两天今后又回来去。这次他设法爬进了基图罗火山口,以便能 摄影 相片和检验温度。塔捷耶夫常常冒这么的生命风险。他能告诉咱们的有关活火山的状况比任何在世的人都要多。

 Lesson68 Persistent 羁绊不休

 I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me. It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him. I never enjoy meeting Bert Dykes. He never has anything to do. No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you. I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning.

 216;Hullo, Bert,217; I said. 216;Fancy meeting you here !217;

 216;Hullo, Elizabeth,217; Bert answered. 216; I was just wondering how to spend the morning211;until I saw you. You217;re not busy doing anything, are you ?217;

 216; No, not at all,217; I answered.217; I217;m going to.. .217;

 216;Would you mind my coming with you ?217; he asked, before I had finished speaking.

 ? Not at all,217; I lied, 216;but I217;m going to the dentist.217;

 216; Then I217;ll come with you,217; he answered.217; There217;s always plenty to read in the 216;waiting room !217;








 lesson69 But not murder! 并非谋杀!

 I was being tested for a driving licence for the third time. I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully. After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence. Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test. The examiner must have been pleased with my performance, for he smiled and said, 216;Just one more thing, Mr Eames. Let us suppose that a child suddenly crosses the road in front of you. As soon as I tap on the window, I want the car to be stopped immediately.217; I continued driving and after some time, the examiner tapped loudly. Though the sound could be heard clearly, it took me a long time to react. I suddenly pressed the brake pedal hard and we were both thrown forward. The examiner looked at me sadly. 216;Mr Eames,217; he said, in a mournful voice,217; you have just killed that child !217;


 lesson70 Red for danger 风险的赤色

 During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the danger. The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap. Apparently sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk. The crowd suddenly grew quiet. The drunk, however, seemed quite sure of himself. When the bull got close to him, he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass. The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed. By this time, however, three men had come into the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety. Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him, for it looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador.




如果你正计划一次去西班牙的旅行,并想去那儿野营,巴塞罗那 [Barcelona] 应该是你观光计划的第一站。巴塞罗那是最以野营而闻名的城市之一。所以如果你想打起背包去野营,那儿就是你该去的地方。如果你正与家人一起旅行,并带着儿童的话,你可以轻易租到“移动家庭套装”。这是巴塞罗那附近一种漂亮的营地,你所需要的一切应有尽有。公交服务则用于带你去观看所有景点。诸如沙滩排球、游泳、操场游戏等大量设施更对儿童开放。尽管“营地服务”改变了野营的真正内涵,但是你的家人会享受到那份舒适与快乐的。


住宿(accommodation)在西班牙永远不是问题,你可以选择呆在拖车住房(mobile homes)


毫无疑问,对每个来西班牙的参观者而言,最美妙的东西莫过于美食与佳酿了。诸如里奥哈( Rioja 葡萄酒名城)等城市以其绝佳的葡萄酒享誉世界,西班牙的其他城市则以鱼料理和荤菜闻名。



















Aux Sources, Mont



Bartle Frere



Bavarian Alps



Bayankara Mts.






Coast Range












Kunlun Mts.






Tien Shan




Afghani阿富汗尼 Af Afghanistan阿富汗

bath铢 B Thailand泰国

balboa巴波亚 B Panama巴拿马

aolivar博利瓦 $b Venezuela委内瑞拉

colon(哥斯达黎加)科郎 ¢ Costa Rica哥斯达黎加

colon(萨尔瓦多)科郎 ¢ El Salvador萨尔瓦多

cordoba科多巴 C$ Nicaragua尼加拉瓜

cruzeiro克鲁赛罗 Cr$ brazil巴西

dalasi达拉西 DG Gambia冈比亚

dinar(阿尔及利亚)第纳尔 DA Algeria阿尔及利亚

dinar(伊拉克)第纳尔 ID Iraq伊拉克

dinar(约旦)第纳尔 JD Jordan约旦

dinar(科威特)第纳尔 KD Kuwait科威特

dinar(利比亚)第纳尔 LD Libya利比亚

dinar(也门民主人民共和国)第纳尔 YD The People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen 也门民主人民共和国

dinar(突尼斯)第纳尔 D Tunisia突尼斯

dinar(南斯拉夫)第纳尔 DIN Yugoslavia南斯拉夫

dirham迪拉姆 DH Morocco摩洛哥

dollar(澳大利亚)元 $A Australia澳大利亚

dollar(巴哈马)元 B$ Bahamas巴哈马

dollar(百慕大)元 DB$ Bermuda百慕大

dollar(加拿大)元 Can$ Canada加拿大

dollar埃塞俄比亚)元 $Eth Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚

dollar(斐济)元 F$ Fiji斐济

dollar(圭亚那)元 G$ Guyana圭亚那

dollar(香港)元 HK$ Hongkong香港

dollar(牙买加)元 J$ Jamaica牙买加

dollar(利比里亚)元 L$ Liberia利比里亚

dollar(马来西亚)元 M$ Malaysia马来西亚

dollar(新西兰)元 NA$ NewZealand 新西兰

dollar(新加坡)元 S$ Singapore新加坡

dollar(特立尼达和多巴哥 TT$ Trinidad and Tobago特立尼达和多巴哥

dollar(美国)元 US$ USA美国

dong(越南)盾 D DBVN越南民主共和国

drachma德拉克马 Dr Greece希腊

escudo(智利)埃斯库多 E Chili智利

escudo(葡萄牙)埃斯库多 Esc Portugal葡萄牙

forint福林 Ft Hungary匈牙利

franc(比利时)法郎 BF Belgium比利时

franc(布隆迪)法郎 Fbu Burundi布隆迪

Franc(非洲金融共同体)法郎 Franc(非洲金融共同体)法郎 CFAF Cameroon喀麦隆;The Central African Republic中非共和国; Chad乍得;The People's Republic of the Congo 刚果人民共和国;Dahomey达荷美;Gabon加蓬;Ivory Coast象牙海岸;Niger尼日尔;Senegal塞内加尔;Toto多哥;Upper Volta上沃尔特等

franc(法国) 法郎 FF France法国

franc(卢森堡)法郎 LuxF Luxemb(o)urg 卢森堡

franc(马尔加什)法郎 FMG The Malagasy Republic马尔加什共和国

franc(马里)法郎 MF Mali马里

franc(卢旺达)法郎 RF Rwanda卢旺达

franc(瑞士)法郎 Sf Switzerland瑞士

gourde古德 G Haiti海地

guarani瓜拉尼 C Paraguay巴拉圭

Guilder(或florin)(荷兰)盾 fF Netherlands荷兰

kip基普 K Laos老挝

koruna(捷克)克朗 KeS Czechoslovakia捷克斯洛伐克

krona(冰岛)克朗 IKr Iceland冰岛

krona(瑞典)克朗 SKr Sweden瑞典

krone(丹麦)克朗 DKr Denmark丹麦

krone(挪威)克朗 NKr Norway挪威

kwacha(马拉维)克瓦查 MK Malawi马拉维

kwacha(赞比亚)克瓦查 K Zambia赞比亚

kyat(缅甸)元 K Burma缅甸

lek列克 Lek Albania阿尔巴尼亚

lempira伦皮拉 L Honduras洪都拉斯

leone利昂 Le Sierra Leone塞拉利昂

leu列伊 Lv Romania罗马尼亚

lev列弗 L Bulgaria保加利亚

lira(意大利)里拉 Lit Italy意大利

Lira(土耳其)里拉(或镑) LT Turkey土耳其

Mark(德意志联邦共和国)马克 DM GFR德意志联邦共和国

Markka(芬兰)马克 Fmk Finland芬兰

Naira奈拉 Nigeria 尼日利亚

new cedi新塞地 NC Ghana加纳

Ouguiya乌吉亚 UM Mauritania毛里塔尼亚

pa'anga邦加 T$ Tonga汤加

Peseta比塞塔 Ptas Spain西班牙

peso(阿根廷)比索 $a Argentina阿根廷

peso(玻利维亚)比索 $b Bolivia玻利维亚

peso(哥伦比亚)比索 Col$ Colombia哥伦比亚

peso(古巴)比索 Cub$ Cuba古巴

peso(多米尼加)比索 RD$ The Dominican Republic多米尼加共和国

peso(墨西哥)比索 Mex$ Mexico墨西哥

peso(菲律宾)比索 P Philippines菲律宾

peso(乌拉圭)比索 Ur$ Uruguay乌拉圭

pound(塞浦路斯)镑 £C Cyprus塞浦路斯

pound(埃及)镑 LE Egypt埃及

pound(英国)镑 £(£ Stg) Great Britain英国

pound(爱尔兰)镑 £Ir Ireland爱尔兰

pound(黎巴嫩)镑 LL Lebanon黎巴嫩

pound(马耳他)镑 £M Malta马耳他

pound(苏丹)镑 £S Sudan苏丹

pound(叙利亚)镑 LS Syria叙利亚

quetzal格查尔 Q Guatemala危地马拉

Renminbiyuan人民币元 RMB China中国

rial(伊朗)里亚尔 Rls Iran伊朗

riel瑞尔 Cambodia柬埔寨

riyal(沙特阿拉伯)里亚尔 SRls Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯

riyal(阿拉伯也门共和国)里亚尔 YRls The Arab Republic of Yemen阿拉伯也门共和国

rouble卢布 R(rub, Rbl) USSR俄罗斯

rupee(印度)卢比 Rs India印度

rupee(毛里求斯)卢比 MRs Mauritius毛里求斯

rupee(尼泊尔)卢比 NRs Nepal尼泊尔

rupee(巴基斯坦)卢比 PRs Pakistan巴基斯坦

rupee(斯里兰卡)卢比 SRs Sri Lanka斯里兰卡

rupiah(印度尼西亚)卢比(或盾) Rp Indonesia印度尼西亚

schilling(奥地利)先令 Sch Austria(奥地利)

shilling(肯尼亚)先令 KSh Kenya(肯尼亚)

shilling(坦桑尼亚)先令 TSh 坦桑尼亚

shilling(乌干达)先令 USh 乌干达

sol索尔 s/ 秘鲁

Somali shilling索马里先令 ShSo Somali索马里

sucre苏克雷 S/ Ecuador厄瓜多尔

syli西里 syli syli几内亚

tugrik图格里克 Tug Mongolia蒙古

won(朝鲜)圆 W The Democratic People's republic of Korea 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国

日元 ¥ Japan日本

扎伊尔 Z Zaire扎伊尔

兹罗提 Zl Poland波兰




③非洲金融共同体法郎(CFAF)的全称为Communaute Financiere Africaine Franc. L2Club

War remembered for peace, future: President Hu l2learners 2005-9-4 0:29:00

Chinese leaders lay flowers to monument of heroes l2learners 2005-9-4 0:29:00

Opening night for Venice festival l2learners 2005-9-4 0:30:00

Shenzhou VI touches down; astronauts safe l2learners 2005-10-22 8:50:00

A Woman's Tears l2learners 2005-11-3 6:04:00

Intercultural Shock (i) l2learners 2005-11-3 6:08:00

Interdultural Shock (ii) l2learners 2005-11-3 6:12:00

What is "Learnng by doing"? l2learners 2005-11-10 21:24:00


商务英语常见误译例析 l2learners 2005-8-20 20:27:00

求职英语面试难题:你为什么想为我们工作? l2learners 2005-8-20 20:29:00

中国特色词汇汉译英_1 l2learners 2005-8-27 23:56:00

中国特色词汇汉译英_2 l2learners 2005-8-27 23:57:00

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中国特色词汇汉译英_4 l2learners 2005-8-27 23:59:00

中国特色词汇汉译英_5 l2learners 2005-8-28

中国特色词汇汉译英_6 l2learners 2005-8-28 0:02:00

NBA用语 l2learners 2005-8-28 0:26:00

人生谚语精华版 l2learners 2005-8-28 0:28:00

中国小吃的英文表达法 l2learners 2005-8-28 0:33:00

最美的十大精典爱情句子 l2learners 2005-8-28 0:35:00

口语完全攻略 l2learners 2005-8-28 0:46:00

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24节气英语译法 l2learners 2005-8-28 0:52:00

护肤和化妆品中英文对照 l2learners 2005-9-3 10:49:00

中国小吃英文表达 l2learners 2005-9-3 10:55:00

身体部位名称 l2learners 2005-9-3 10:56:00

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色彩词汇 l2learners 2005-9-3 10:59:00

购物常用词汇 l2learners 2005-9-3 10:59:00

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有趣的复合词 l2learners 2005-9-3 11:02:00

理发用语中英文对照 l2learners 2005-9-3 22:51:00

NBA精典英语词汇 l2learners 2005-9-3 23:28:00

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个人简历英文词汇 l2learners 2005-9-4 16:48:00

英语格言警句小全 l2learners 2005-10-26 21:06:00

个人能力常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:13:00

求职申请原因常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:15:00

英文求职信模板一 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:16:00

英文求职信模板二 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:17:00

英文求职信模板三 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:17:00

英文求职信模板四 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:18:00

英文求职信模板五 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:18:00

JOB APPLICATION LETTER l2learners 2005-11-11 15:19:00

要求薪水常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:21:00

学历常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:21:00

个人特长常用语: l2learners 2005-11-11 15:22:00

爱好常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:23:00

工作经验常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:23:00

简历中个人情况常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:24:00

英文简历写作七大技巧 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:24:00

英文简历怎么写 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:26:00

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英文简历写作技巧 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:28:00

英文简历(翻译) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:28:00

英文简历模板21——人力资源总监 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:30:00

英文简历模板1——毕业生 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:30:00

英文简历模板2——有工作经验者 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:31:00

英文简历模板3——秘书 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:31:00

英文简历模板4——翻译 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:32:00

英文简历模板5——律师 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:32:00

RECEPTIONIST(General) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:33:00

HUMAN SERVICES WORKER(General) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:34:00

ACCOUNTANT(General) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:34:00

英文简历模板9——管理员 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:34:00

SALES ASSISTANT l2learners 2005-11-11 15:35:00

ASSISTANT PERSONNEL OFFICER l2learners 2005-11-11 15:36:00

MARKETING AND SALES DIRECTOR l2learners 2005-11-11 15:36:00

MARKETING ASSISTANT l2learners 2005-11-11 15:37:00

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT(Personnel) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:37:00

PRODUCTION MANAGER l2learners 2005-11-11 15:38:00

GENERAL OFFICE CLERK l2learners 2005-11-11 15:38:00

ELECTRONICS ENGINEER(Experienced) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:39:00

TECHNICAL ENGINEER l2learners 2005-11-11 15:39:00

TRAINING COORDINATOR l2learners 2005-11-11 15:40:00

INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER l2learners 2005-11-11 15:40:00

英文简历模板21——人力资源总监 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:41:00

英文简历模板22——酒店文职人员 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:41:00

英文简历模板23——人力资源招聘专员 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:42:00

CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE(Sales) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:42:00

(个人品质常用词汇) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:43:00

A Useful Glossary for Educational Background(教育程度常用词汇) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:44:00

A Useful Glossary for Work Experience(工作经历常用词汇) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:44:00

A Useful Glossary for Personal Data(个人资料常用词汇) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:45:00

A Useful Glossary for Other Contents (其它内容常用词汇) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:45:00

简历中个人情况常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:47:00

个人特长常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:48:00

工作经验常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:48:00

学历常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:50:00

爱好常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:50:00

要求薪水常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:50:00

Education and Library Science(***分) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:51:00

Executive and Managerial(管理部分) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:51:00

Administration(行政部分) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:52:00

Engineering(工程部分) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:52:00

Legal and Protective Services(法律部分) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:52:00

Computers and Mathematics(计算机部分) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:54:00

Health and Medical(医学与健康) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:54:00

Science (科学业部分) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:55:00

Service (服务业部分) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:55:00

Communications(传播业部分) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:56:00

Technical (技术业) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:56:00

Visual and Performing Arts(表演艺术业部分) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:56:00

Human Resources(人力资源部分) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:57:00

Accounting and Finance(会计与财务部分) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:58:00

Marketing and Sales(市场与销售部分) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:58:00

Social and Human Services (人类社会服务业) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:59:00

简历模板 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:59:00

简历种类 l2learners 2005-11-11 16:01:00

学生简历模式 l2learners 2005-11-11 16:02:00

FAQ(简历) l2learners 2005-11-11 16:03:00

写简历注意事项 l2learners 2005-11-11 16:04:00

写简历注意事项(英文) l2learners 2005-11-11 16:05:00

在美生存常用习语 l2learners 2005-11-13 20:44:00

澳大利亚俚语 l2learners 2005-11-13 20:45:00

留学学习用语常用辞典 l2learners 2005-11-13 20:46:00

日常生活中商店译名参考 l2learners 2005-11-13 20:47:00

唬老外的常用赞誉之辞语 l2learners 2005-11-13 20:47:00

常见英语谚语 Useful English sayings l2learners 2005-11-13 21:58:00

实用英语100句(型)(1) l2learners 2005-11-13 21:59:00

实用英语100句(型)(2) l2learners 2005-11-13 22:00:00

约会用语(很经典的) l2learners 2005-11-13 22:01:00


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