

界: 植物界 Plantae

(未分级) 被子植物分支 angiosperms

(未分级) 单子叶植物分支 monocots

(未分级) 鸭跖草分支 commelinids

目: 禾本目 Poales

科: 禾本科 Poaceae

亚科: 芦竹亚科 Arundinoideae

族: 芦竹族 Arundineae

属: 芦苇属 Phragmites

种: 芦苇 P. australis


芦苇(学名:Phragmites australis)是生长于沼泽、河摊、海滩等湿地的一种植物,遍布于全世界温带和热带地区,芦苇属的植物大约有10种,有的分类学家认为只有芦苇是芦苇属的唯一种。

Phragmites australis, the common reed, is a large perennial grass found in wetlands throughout temperate and tropical regions of the world. It is sometimes regarded as the sole species of the genus Phragmites, though some botanists divide Phragmites australis into three or four species and in particular the South Asian Khagra Reed (P. karka) is often treated as distinct.[2]




Common reed commonly forms extensive stands (known as reed beds), which may be as much as a square kilometer or more in extent. Where conditions are suitable it can spread at 5 metres (16 ft) or more per year by horizontal runners, which put down roots at regular intervals. It can grow in damp ground, in standing water (up to a meter or so deep), or even as a floating mat. The erect stems grow to 2–6 metres (6 ft 7 in–19 ft 8 in) tall, with the tallest plants growing in areas with hot summers and fertile growing conditions.

The leaves are long for a grass, 20–50 centimetres (7.9–20 in) and 2–3 centimetres (0.79–1.2 in) broad. The flowers are produced in late summer in a dense, dark purple panicle, about 20–50 cm long. Later the numerous long, narrow, sharp pointed spikelets appear greyer due to the growth of long, silky hairs.

Common reed requires neutral or alkaline water conditions, and so it does not usually occur where the water is acidic.[citation needed] It tolerates brackish water, and so is often found at the upper edges of estuaries and on other wetlands (such as grazing marsh) which are occasionally inundated by the sea.

Common reed is suppressed where it is grazed regularly by livestock. Under these conditions it either grows as small shoots within the grassland sward, or it disappears altogether.






Main article: Thatching

Reed is used in many areas for thatching roofs. In the British Isles, common reed used for this purpose is known as Norfolk reed or water reed. However "wheat reed" and "Devon reed", also used for thatching, are not in fact reed, but long-stemmed wheat straw.

Water treatment

Main article: Constructed wetland

Reed is the main wetland species used for water treatment.

Waste water from bathrooms, lavatories and kitchens is routed to an underground septic tank-like compartment where the solid waste is allowed to settle out. The water then trickles through a constructed wetland or artificial reed bed (not to be confused with the natural reed bed habitat), where bacterial action on the surface of roots and leaf litter removes some of the nutrients. The water is then suitable for irrigation or discharge to watercourses.

Other uses

Some other uses for reeds in various cultures include baskets, mats, pen tips, and a crude form of paper.

In the Philippines, Phragmites is known by the local name "tambo". Reed stands flower in December, and the blooms are harvested and bundled into brooms called "walis". Hence the common name of household brooms is "walis tambo".



th grapes tree

i have a grape tree in my back yard garden.it is three years old and it is small. but it is beautiful. i can't climb it because it is too small and it is as tall as me . every spring it turns green and lits leaves come all out suddenly and look like it wear a green coat.beautiful!! i like it bery much

There is a plant that is used for almost every thing. It is used in construction, used for making yarn and fabric, jewelry, tools and other implements, pulp for paper, medicine, used as food and even use to make musical instruments. Not only this, it is the fastest growing woody plant on Earth. Yes, it is true. There is rather a kind of grass called Bamboo.

It has been clocked surging skyward as fast as 121 cm (47.6 inches) in a 24-hour period and can also reach maximal growth rate exceeding one meter (39 inches) per hour for short periods of time. Many prehistoric bamboos exceeded heights of 250 feet.

Bamboos play an important role in local economies throughout the world and are of major national and international commercial importance in the Asia-Pacific region. It is estimated that 2.5 billion people depend on or use bamboo materials valued at US$ 7 billion per annum.

There are more than 70 genera divided into about 1,000 species. They are found in diverse climates, from cold mountains to hot tropical regions. They occur across East Asia, from 50°N latitude in Sakhalin through to Northern Australia, and west to India and the Himalayas. They also occur in sub-Saharan Africa, and in the Americas from the Southeastern United States south to Argentina and Chile, reaching their southernmost point anywhere, at 47°S latitude.

This fast growing plant can help us in a lot of ways. Because of its high rate of growth it can form one of the biggest contributors of reducing greenhouse gases. It can grow at almost every kind of place makes it flexible enough for mass plantation. The pulp it gives is used for so many different purposes. It can be used as bio-fuel to produce electricity, for paper production. Especially in developing countries where it grows it can provide a source of income and employment. It has already shown its commercial importance so I think the governments should take a more proactive role in developing bamboo in places where other crops cannot be grown. So you see the two most important E’s environment and economy can get some help from bamboo.

With all these valuable traits the bamboo is rally a miracle plant.








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