
编译 | 李言

Nature, 27 April 2023, Volume 616 Issue 7958



Continuous symmetry breaking in a two-dimensional Rydberg array


▲ 作者:Cheng Chen, Guillaume Bornet et al.

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▲ 摘要:



▲ Abstract:

Here, we realize a two-dimensional dipolar XY model that shows a continuous spin-rotational symmetry using a programmable Rydberg quantum simulator. We demonstrate the adiabatic preparation of correlated low-temperature states of both the XY ferromagnet and the XY antiferromagnet. In the ferromagnetic case, we characterize the presence of a long-range XY order, a feature prohibited in the absence of long-range dipolar interaction. Our exploration of the many-body physics of XY interactions complements recent works using the Rydberg-blockade mechanism to realize Ising-type interactions showing discrete spin rotation symmetry.

Build-up and dephasing of Floquet–Bloch bands on subcycle timescales


▲ 作者:S. Ito, M. Schüler, M. Meierhofer et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Here we provide this link by visualizing the ultrafast build-up of Floquet–Bloch bands with time-resolved and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We drive surface states on a topological insulator with mid-infrared fields—strong enough for high-harmonic generation—and directly monitor the transient band structure with subcycle time resolution. Starting with strong intraband currents, we observe how Floquet sidebands emerge within a single optical cycle; intraband acceleration simultaneously proceeds in multiple sidebands until high-energy electrons scatter into bulk states and dissipation destroys the Floquet bands. Quantum non-equilibrium calculations explain the simultaneous occurrence of Floquet states with intraband and interband dynamics. Our joint experiment and theory study provides a direct time-domain view of Floquet physics and explores the fundamental frontiers of ultrafast band-structure engineering.

材料科学Material science

Tracing attosecond electron emission from a nanometric metal tip


▲ 作者:Philip Dienstbier, Lennart Seiffert et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Here we show that two-colour modulation spectroscopy of backscattering electrons uncovers the suboptical-cycle strong-field emission dynamics from nanostructures, with attosecond precision. In our experiment, photoelectron spectra of electrons emitted from a sharp metallic tip are measured as function of the relative phase between the two colours. Projecting the solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation onto classical trajectories relates phase-dependent signatures in the spectra to the emission dynamics and yields an emission duration of 710±30attoseconds by matching the quantum model to the experiment. Our results open the door to the quantitative timing and precise active control of strong-field photoemission from solid state and other systems and have direct ramifications for diverse fields such as ultrafast electron sources, quantum degeneracy studies and sub-Poissonian electron beams, nanoplasmonics and petahertz electronics.

pH-dependent water permeability switching and its memory in MoS2 membranes


▲ 作者:C. Y. Hu, A. Achari, P. Rowe, H. Xiao, S. Suran et al.

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▲ 摘要:

在此,我们展示了分子通过智能相变二硫化钼膜对外部pH值的记忆效应和刺激性调节的运输。我们表明,水和离子通过1T 二硫化钼膜的渗透遵循pH依赖的滞后,其渗透速率转换几个数量级。我们确定这种现象是二硫化钼的1T 相所特有的,原因是表面电荷和表面交换离子的存在。我们进一步证明了这种现象在自主伤口感染监测和ph依赖的纳米过滤中的潜在应用。我们的研究加深了对纳米尺度水传输机制的理解,为智能膜的开发开辟了一条途径。

▲ Abstract:

Here we demonstrate the memory effects and stimuli-regulated transport of molecules through an intelligent, phase-changing MoS2membrane in response to external pH. We show that water and ion permeation through 1T′ MoS2membranes follows a pH-dependent hysteresis with a permeation rate that switches by a few orders of magnitude. We establish that this phenomenon is unique to the 1T′ phase of MoS2, due to the presence of surface charge and exchangeable ions on the surface. We further demonstrate the potential lication of this phenomenon in autonomous wound infection monitoring and pH-dependent nanofiltration. Our work deepens understanding of the mechanism of water transport at the nanoscale and opens an avenue for the development of intelligent membranes.

人工智能Artificial Intelligence

Human–machine collaboration for improving semiconductor process development


▲ 作者:Keren J. Kanarik, Wojciech T. Osowiecki et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Here we study Bayesian optimization algorithms to investigate how artificial intelligence (AI) might decrease the cost of developing complex semiconductor chip processes. In particular, we create a controlled virtual process game to systematically benchmark the performance of humans and computers for the design of a semiconductor fabrication process. We find that human engineers excel in the early stages of development, whereas the algorithms are far more cost-efficient near the tight tolerances of the target. Furthermore, we show that a strategy using both human designers with high expertise and algorithms in a human first–computer last strategy can reduce the cost-to-target by half compared with only human designers. Finally, we highlight cultural challenges in partnering humans with computers that need to be addressed when introducing artificial intelligence in developing semiconductor processes.


Net greenhouse gas balance of fibre wood plantation on peat in Indonesia


▲ 作者:Chandra S. Deshmukh, Ari P. Susanto et al.

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Here we measure net ecosystem exchanges of carbon dioxide, methane and soil nitrous oxide fluxes between October and May 2022 from Acacia crassicarpa plantation, degraded forest and intact forest within the same peat landscape, representing land-cover-change trajectories in Sumatra, Indonesia. This allows us to present a full plantation rotation GHG flux balance in a fibre wood plantation on peatland. We find that the Acacia plantation has lower GHG emissions than the degraded site with a similar average groundwater level (GWL), despite more intensive land use. The GHG emissions from the Acacia plantation over a full plantation rotation (35.2±4.7tCO2-eq ha−1year−1, average±standard deviation) were around two times higher than those from the intact forest (20.3±3.7tCO2-eqha−1year−1), but only half of the current Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier 1 emission factor (EF) for this land use. Our results can help to reduce the uncertainty in GHG emissions estimates, provide an estimate of the impact of land-use change on tropical peat and develop science-based peatland management practices as nature-based climate solutions.

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